TradeCore Wins Best Global CRM at IFX EXPO 2024!

We are honored to announce that TradeCore has been awarded the prestigious "Best Global CRM" at the IFX EXPO 2024! This achievement highlights our commitment to innovation and excellence in the fintech industry.

Our Award-Winning Solutions at IFX 2024

Explore the full potential of your fintech operations with our suite of solutions designed to streamline your processes, enhance integration, and provide deep insights into your business. From seamless platform integrations to accelerated client onboarding, our tools are crafted to ensure you operate at peak efficiency and capitalize on every opportunity.

CRM (World's Best)

Its capabilities for marketing automation, lead management, customer onboarding, and IB management have won awards. 

Compliance Suite

Highlights the seamless integration with the CRM, showcasing automated KYC/AML solutions, transaction monitoring, and reporting tools.

Analytics & Reporting

With the help of your extensive analytics and reporting suite, highlight the value of making decisions based on facts. To assist brokers in optimizing their operations, highlight features like configurable dashboards, performance tracking, and actionable information.

Client Portal

Use our bespoke client portal, which gives traders access to individualized experiences and self-service options. Emphasize functions such as performance monitoring, safe document access, and account administration. This indicates your dedication to improving the trader’s experience and developing more solid customer ties.

Our clients

We treat every client as if they were our first, because their success
is our success. Customer obsession feeds into everything we do.

Our success is defined
by our users

Salesforce for Fintech? Financial services alternative to Dynamics 365? We’ve been
called a lot of things by our customers.


Team Members


by global enterprises


of dollars in payments


of onboarded users

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Fintech revolution?

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